I’m more inclined to believe it was done intentionally as a publicity stunt, as the purchase price of that wine isn’t anywhere near the $5700 they would have sold it for, and it might have been something in the cellar lingering around too long too. Either way, a funny story here. From NBC:
Restaurant accidentally serves $5,700 bottle of Bordeaux
The bottle of Château Le Pin came from one of only 500 cases that were produced.May 17, 2019, 9:03 AM EDTBy Caroline Radnofsky
LONDON — A mixed-up server accidentally gave the patrons of a British restaurant the bargain of a lifetime.
The pair ordered a bottle of Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, a 2001 vintage Bordeaux from the Pauillac region costing $330.

But they were instead served Château Le Pin, another Bordeaux of the same year from the Pomerol region. It sells for $5,700.
Will Beckett, co-owner of the Hawksmoor restaurant chain, told NBC News that a manager visiting a branch in Manchester, England, picked up the rare bottle by mistake.
He said the bottle of Château Le Pin came from one of only 500 cases that were produced.
The customers didn’t notice the error, which was only discovered after the fact by another manager.
In a series of tweets, the restaurant laughed off the mistake, telling the patrons, “Hope you enjoyed your evening!” and posting a photo of the bottles side-by-side with the caption, “THEY LOOK PRETTY SIMILAR OK?! “