Rush Limbaugh, America’s Anchorman and also affectionately known as El Rushbo, Maha Rushie among many other nicknames, passed away this morning I don’t even know where to begin really. I was totally shocked today when someone told me the news. We all knew the day was coming ever since he was diagnosed with stage-four lung cancer a little over a year ago , and he’d been more frequently absent lately on his show… but the news still took me off-guard.
I first heard him about twenty years ago when a mentor of mine turned him on, “let’s hear what Rush has to say today…”, and I’ve been an enthusiastic devoted fan ever since. I’m certain I’ve always had conservatism inside me, but Rush opened my mind even further and reinforced what I had always believed. He’d say what I thought, and better explain it in words.
The man was a legend. He built an empire, he saved AM radio and talk radio as a whole. He laid the foundation for voices in radio and eventually things that came later like the Fox News Channel are a product of his success. There are so many great conservative voices today, but even the best of them collectively couldn’t fill Rush’s shoes.
While some would think of him as arrogant, he once said he prefers to see it as confidence. He truly had “talent on loan from God” as he would say, and he’s going to be so sorely missed.
Godspeed, Rush.
EDIT: Eulogies and memories shared from…
Mark Steyn: The Indispensable Man
David Limbaugh: Goodbye to My Brother—for Now
The Charlie Kirk Show: The Incomparable Legacy of Rush