Wow, it’s been twenty years already… On this day in 2003, the final commercial flight of the Concorde.
Arriving at London Heathrow (LHR) for the final commercial flight of the AĆ©rospatiale/BAC Concorde. The historic final landing is performed by British Airways G-BOAF AĆ©rospatiale/BAC Concorde (CN 216 – preserved) flight BA002 New York (JFK) – London (LHR). About 100 passengers on board, including actress Joan Collins, model Christie Brinkley and an Ohio couple who reportedly paid $60,000 on eBay for two tickets. A large crowd of spectators greeted the arrival of the plane in London, which came after two Concordes landed on equal special flights from Edinburgh, with a spectacular flyover of Clifton Bridge, and from the Gulf of Biscay.