Unique places and ways for re-enlisting in the military aren’t a new thing, but I thought this was pretty cool. Not only is her last name Pi, she took her re-enlistment oath on “Pi Day” and on a C-130 aircraft with a tail number ending in 314. That’s fantastic!
Serving up a slice of service on Pi Day!
Today, Senior Airman Amanda Pi from the 314th Airlift Wing renlisted while on aircraft 02-0314!
Pi has been in the Air Force for 5 years and has been assigned to the 314th Maintenance Group since November of 2023 but was previously assigned to the 19th Maintenance Group.
Her future goals include making staff sgt., pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Functional Data Analytics from Penn State University, and striving to make a positive impact wherever she goes.
As an integral part of Team Little Rock we’d like to extend our congratulations and support as she continues her Air Force journey!
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